General legal services

At Parker & Kissane we aim to offer comprehensive legal services to our community to support a just and fair society.

  • General Counsel for Local Government Authorities
  • Birth, death & marriage certificates
  • Blue cards for people working with children
  • Body corporate & community management
  • Dispute resolution & mediation
  • Fair trading & consumer affairs
  • Justice of the Peace
  • Legal assistance strategy & funding
  • Liquor & gambling regulation
  • Victim assistance
  • Agency

Talk to us about what you need.

You might be interested in our other services

Family Law

Our Accredited Family Law Solicitors and team specialise in working with families experiencing separation, divorce and other family matters.

Criminal law trials, sentencing, and appeals

Our Criminal Law team act in matters across the full spectrum of criminal law; from simple traffic matters to serious indictable offences, jury trials and appeals.

Mortgages, Securities, Loan Agreements & Disputes

Dispute resolution, negotiation and document drafting for loans, mortgages, debt recovery and more.